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Clinical Consultation Resources

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Each counsellor will have a specialty area of interest for their theoretical approach, population they work with and issues they assist their clients with.

As a starting place, listed below are a few resources that I have found or others have pointed me to that I have found helpful.

Professional Associations & Counsellor Regulation


Some favourite professional development resources for doing therapeutic work


I agree with the recommendation on the BCACC code of ethics, standards & guidelines page: it is a really good idea to have a copy of the manual (2013) Balancing conflicting interests: A counsellor’s guide to the legal process” by Maureen McEvoy and Gayla Reid.   [Currently the 3rd edition is still the most recent – published March 2013.  The cover has a picture of rocks stacked near the ocean.]

I call this “the spiral bound book” and have found it to be an invaluable resource for when I have a question about how to approach ethics & legal aspects of counselling in BC. It can be purchased through the publisher at the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC): the Centre for Counselling and Community Safety here.


Self-care for counsellors

  • Several “self” focused webinars on the Satir Institute of the Pacific website in their Online Links section

  • A good idea every now and then to check in with your “professional quality of life” through the ProQOL survey

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