Debbie Clelland, PhD
Counselling & Consulting
Clinical Consultation Resources
Each counsellor will have a specialty area of interest for their theoretical approach, population they work with and issues they assist their clients with.
As a starting place, listed below are a few resources that I have found or others have pointed me to that I have found helpful.
Professional Associations & Counsellor Regulation
BC Association for Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) – most counsellors in BC are registered with this organization. Now has guidance on jurisdiction and virtual counselling, and member-inspired groups called “communities of practice” conversation circles.
Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA) – many helpful “Chapters” to belong to for sharing ideas and professional development
Federation of Associations for Counsellor Regulation in BC (FACT BC) – advocacy as well as links to many specialty professional associations
Some favourite professional development resources for doing therapeutic work
Diane Gehart’s textbooks and downloadable resources for conceptualizations for individual and relationship counselling:
I agree with the recommendation on the BCACC code of ethics, standards & guidelines page: it is a really good idea to have a copy of the manual (2013) Balancing conflicting interests: A counsellor’s guide to the legal process” by Maureen McEvoy and Gayla Reid. [Currently the 3rd edition is still the most recent – published March 2013. The cover has a picture of rocks stacked near the ocean.]
I call this “the spiral bound book” and have found it to be an invaluable resource for when I have a question about how to approach ethics & legal aspects of counselling in BC. It can be purchased through the publisher at the Justice Institute of BC (JIBC): the Centre for Counselling and Community Safety here.
Self-care for counsellors
Several “self” focused webinars on the Satir Institute of the Pacific website in their Online Links section
A good idea every now and then to check in with your “professional quality of life” through the ProQOL survey