Debbie Clelland, PhD
Counselling & Consulting
Gifted Research and Advocacy
Many people do not understand that giftedness is one form of neurodiversity. This means that gifted children, adults and families have a need for support and understanding, just like all other people who experience diversity.
Below is research about giftedness, and information about advocacy for inclusivity for gifted people.
Experiences and concerns of parents of gifted children in BC
2022 Research study by Dr. Debbie Clelland in a community partnership between Adler University and the Gifted Children's Association of BC
In May-June, 2022, a survey was sent out to caregivers of gifted and multi-exceptional children in British Columbia, asking them about their children's experiences. The goal of this research was to determine how well the children are being served by the current education system, and any impacts on families.
145 parent participants responded about 167 gifted and multi-exceptional children. The parents reported on knowledge and support from educators, experiences with Individual Education Plans, and access to educational programming related to the special need of giftedness. The research presentation document is provided below. Permission is given for anyone to download and share this document, as long as author acknowledgement is included.
Resources for Advocacy
1 / Building Relationships with Educators
Building relationships with teachers, support teachers, administrators and district staff focused on gifted education is an important way to advocate for children's educational needs. Article about this on the Gifted Children's Association of BC website
"How to foster a collaborative partnership with your 'gifted' child's teacher" by Betty-Jo Gillett
2 / Advocacy Resources from the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC; US-based)
Helpful information and several research-based supports for helping educators, administrators, local School Boards and provincial legislators understand about giftedness and gifted education needs:
3 / British Columbia Information - Ministry of Education and Child Care
Links to information on the Ministry website:
Special Education Services: a Manual of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines (Gifted students are designated under category P)